To fire at a Romulan with your Phasers or Photon Torpedos, you must first target it by clicking on it. (Click on it again to unselect it.) Or, choose Select All from the Edit menu. Then press the appropriate FIRE button. (Keyboard: "P" to fire phasers, "T" to fire torpedos.) You only need to click FIRE once to fire the weapon at ALL targeted Romulans.
• PHOTON TORPEDOS are your most powerful weapon, though they are a bit slow. They can be launched singly or in SALVOs of two or three torpedos per target. (eg. If you have 2 Romulans targeted and your salvo is set at 3, you'll launch 6 torpedos at once!) Use the Salvo up & down arrows on the command console to change the salvo. You can carry a maximum of ten torpedos at a time. To replenish your torpedos, dock with a Starbase.
• PHASERS are focused beams of energy which travel instantaneously and always hit their target. The power of each phaser shot can be controlled with the INTENSITY up & down arrows on the command console. Max intensity uses more energy and hits the target harder. However, PHASER EFFECTIVENESS DIMINISHES WITH RANGE. At point blank range and max intensity, phasers are nearly as powerful as photon torpedos!
• SHIELDS use a lot of energy but are absolutely essential for defense. To raise or lower them, click on the Shields up & down arrows. (Keyboard: press "U" or "D".) Shields must be lowered to dock or use the transporters.